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  • Registration No.:-110
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  • Refund Policy


    Thank you for choosing to donate to Prgativad Bal Vidyalaya. Your contribution plays a crucial role in supporting our mission to empower underprivileged children and communities. Before proceeding with your donation, please carefully review the following terms and conditions:

    • Non-Refundable Donations: All donations made to the NGO are non-refundable. Once a donation is processed, it cannot be refunded for any reason, except in the case of a proven error in donation processing.
    • Voluntary Contribution: Your donation to the NGO is voluntary and made out of your own free will. The NGO does not coerce or pressure individuals or entities into making donations.
    • Transparency: The NGO is committed to maintaining transparency in all financial transactions. Donors can request information regarding the utilization of their donations, and the NGO will provide updates on how the funds are being utilized for charitable purposes.