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  • Mission Vision & Values

    Mission Vision & Values

    Vision:- This Organisation based on legitimate rights , equity , Justice , Honesty , Socialsentivity and culture of service in which all are self reliant . Our Organisation is running various projects with named of Pragativad Bal Vidyalay , Pragativad Coaching Centre , Scholar Ship to the needy students and Pragativad Kanya Vivah Yojana in the state of Bihar,Jharkhand and Utter Pradesh.

    Mission:- Our primary objective is to empower the poor and marginalized , Provideeducation , Shelter to the sick and destitutes , Promote community health programmes and services , Support literacy centre , Work towards Empowerment of women , facilitates livelihood programmes , help the poor to enable them to be self – reliant and enjoy a healthy,dignified and sustainable quality of life and to that end , act as a resource to and collaborate with other agencies,governmental or non governmental , as well as suitably intervene in policy formulation.