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    Pragativad Bal Vikas Yojana has been registered under Indian Trust Act , 1882 vide registration number 110. On all India basis with motto to promote national integration,Communalharmony,universal brotherhood and global peace. To promote and advocate human rights and fundamental freedom for all without any discrimination of race , religion , caste , color , sex and language. To develop and mobilize community and natural resourcesto give the right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the trust for their sustainable overall development.To work with special concentration for the child and women welfare,to organize and take up health educational and welfare programmes for needy women and children on priority basis.To promote charitable values , literature , science , art , education and culture. To run/operate different types of educational programmes/school like formal,non formal,pre school for the educational development of under privileged children of the community.


    This Organisation based on legitimate rights , equity , Justice , Honesty , Socialsentivity and culture of service in which all are self reliant . Our Organisation is running various projects with named of Pragativad Bal Vidyalay , Pragativad Coaching Centre , Scholar Ship to the needy students and Pragativad Kanya Vivah Yojana in the state of Bihar,Jharkhand and Utter Pradesh.


    Our primary objective is to empower the poor and marginalized , Provideeducation , Shelter to the sick and destitutes , Promote community health programmes and services , Support literacy centre , Work towards Empowerment of women , facilitates livelihood programmes , help the poor to enable them to be self – reliant and enjoy a healthy,dignified and sustainable quality of life and to that end , act as a resource to and collaborate with other agencies,governmental or non governmental , as well as suitably intervene in policy formulation.


    To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger,achieve in universal primary education,health service to all,ensure environmental sustainability,rural development and skill development.